How to apply for Chinese visa in Laos
Definitely getting the Chinese visa, even for tourism, isn’t a simple task, requiring more documents than it’s normal for most…
How to apply for Indonesian visa in Bangkok
The rules changed in 2016, so maybe the Indonesian visa system looks a bit confuse when you search information on…
How to get a Thai visa in Vientiane… from Chiang Mai
The so-called “visa run” is a classic for travels that choose to stay for a long time in Thailand. But…
How to Apply for Thai visa in Kathmandu
Get the Thai visa in Kathmandu is easy and without big issues! But you can probably get a visa on arrival…
How to apply for Indian Visa in Kandy (Sri Lanka)
The process in Kandy isn’t difficult but need some patience and some extra rupees due the bureaucracy and rigid rules…